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NF A36-215-1997 钢制品.危险品运输用细晶粒焊接钢.交货技术条件

作者:标准资料网 时间:2024-04-19 19:11:36  浏览:8274   来源:标准资料网
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Product Code:SAE J442
Title:Test Strip, Holder, and Gage for Shot Peening
Issuing Committee:Surface Enhancement Committee
Scope: This SAE Standard defines requirements for equipment/supplies to be used in measuring shot peening intensity. Guidelines for the use of these articles (test strip, holding fixture, and gage) are also included.
Rationale: This SAE Standard defines requirements for equipment/supplies to be used in measuring shot peening intensity. Guidelines for the use of these articles (test strip, holding fixture, and gage) are also included.【英文标准名称】:StandardTestMethodforConcreteAggregatesbyDeterminationofLengthChangeofConcreteDuetoAlkali-SilicaReaction
